
Our Programs

Research Teams


BioInnovation Group is currently maintaining three research teams. Each team is led by at least two undergraduate students. Researchers have open access to the equipment in the BioInnovation Lab, as well as limited access to equipment in the Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility.

Limited or no research experience is required. BIG research leads are looking for enthusiastic students who want to pursue a career in biological research. The recommended time commitment working in the lab is about 6+ hours per week. All BIG researchers must also complete mandatory lab safety training, which is facilitated by the BioInnovation Lab.


Joining a research team

You can check to see if a research team is recruiting new members here.

Real Vegan Cheese - Recruiting Status: Full

Microfluidics - Recruiting Status: Full

ALGene - Recruiting Status: Full

Join the mailing list to receive recruiting calls if you are interested in joining a research team.

Student Lab Managers

Student Lab Manager (SLM) run and manage the BIG-RT program. Being a SLM is a great way to improve your scientific communication skills and learn more about laboratory management and laboratory safety. 

SLMs receive tutelage and training on effective ways to communicate and coach basic laboratory techniques to their peers. They also receive extra training on safety training and safety procedures commonly used in a research laboratory. 

SLMs have a 3-6 hour per week time commitment.

Student Lab Managers 2024
Joing The SLM Program

Contact Amanah Talabhaktula (agtalabhaktula@ucdavis.edu) or Danielle Sanchez (drsanche@ucdavis.edu) with any questions!

Leadership & Innovation Fundamentals Training (LIFT) Program

LIFT 2024

The Leadership and Innovation Fundamentals Training Program is a two quarter-long internship in which students will learn the leadership and project management skills necessary for a career in a biotech company. Participants will gain an understanding of the challenges, complexities, and rewards of science leadership by working closely with our Leadership Team. By the end of the internship, students will have executed a key project to further the organization’s mission of enabling student-directed research.

LIFT participants are eligible to receive units for their work. The commitment is 4-6 hours a week for two quarters.


Subscribe to our Newsletter to stay up to date on when LIFT applications open during Fall 2024.

Contact Siri Konanoor or Rency Dhaduk with questions.